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PAYE: Check or Update your Company Car Tax - Beta Assessment

PAYE for Employees will eventually allow all 41m PAYE employees, those who work for an employer and pay income tax through Pay As You Earn (PAYE), to see what tax they pay and why, with the ability to change/update their particular circumstances/information which govern the amount of tax they pay. Initially the service will allow PAYE employees to view and change their company car tax benefit which will ensure that they pay the right amount of tax based on the company car they have.

Department / Agency:

Date of Assessment:
4 September 2014

Assessment stage:

Result of Assessment:

Lead Assessor:
J. Thornett

Service Manager:
L. Hawksworth

Digital Leader:
M. Dearnley

Assessment Report

PAYE for Employees (My Company Car Tax) service is seeking permission to launch as a GOV.UK Beta service.

Outcome of service assessment

After consideration the assessment panel have concluded the PAYE for Employees (My Company Car Tax) service has shown sufficient progress and evidence of meeting the Digital by Default Service Standard criteria and should proceed to launch as a GOV.UK Beta service.


The service was assessed against all 26 points of the Digital by Default Service Standard and the assessment panel were particularly impressed with how the team are:

  • iterating and improving the service based on data and evidence gathered from regular user research
  • working with the right people within the HMRC PAYE organisation to ensure that the service is able to support transformation within the business as well as providing a better experience for users
  • taking a sensible approach to privacy, data security and risk
  • using appropriate tools and technologies to develop and operate the service
  • using multiple environments to allow full end-to-end testing and working towards a continuous integration model of deployment
  • working in an agile way using appropriate methodologies, tools, techniques and processes to deliver working software early and often.
  • benchmarking and comparing the performance data to the existing telephony based service and have a plan, including the necessary legislative changes, to increase take-up of the new digital service

The team have developed a very detailed understanding of the users and their needs within this service and have demonstrated that additional assisted digital support does not need to be provided at this time.  If the scope of the service changes in any way (for example, new transactions are added which changes the user base), the team must undertake research with assisted digital users and design, test and provide appropriate assisted digital support which meets user needs.


In advance of the public beta release the team must:

  • make their source code open and reusable. The team explained that the code was written to be shared and reusable but it was not clear why it was therefore not already being published in the open and what was needed to make this happen
  • convert their free analytics solution to a paid-for service which will provide a better assurance on the use of data collected from users and how this is stored and managed by the external provider
  • update their cookie page to reflect the actual analytics solution that is being used by the service. The existing information on the cookie page is incorrect.
  • define success criteria for the public beta phase in order to know when the service is ready to be assessed for a live release
  • continue working with the performance platform to publish dashboards of service performance
  • continue working with the GOV.UK team to define the user journey into the start of the service and the suitable end-points when the user returns to
  • take note of the content style recommendations that have been shared separately in order to improve some of the use of style within the service

Next Steps

This service has been given approval to launch as a GOV.UK Beta service.


In summary the assessment panel are pleased to report that the service is ready to progress to a public beta stage. The work carried out during alpha and private beta to iterate and improve the service based on the needs of users was very encouraging and we are looking forward to seeing how the service further improves now that a larger number of users will be able to access it.

Digital by Default Service Standard criteria

Criteria Passed Criteria Passed
1 Yes 2 Yes
3 Yes 4 Yes
5 Yes 6 Yes
7 Yes 8 Yes
9 Yes 10 Yes
11 Yes 12 Yes
13 Yes 14 Yes
15 Yes 16 Yes
17 Yes 18 Yes
19 Yes 20 Yes
21 Yes 22 Yes
23 Yes 24 Yes
25 Yes 26 Yes